After 2 days of open studios I have to say, these two statements on the viral meme pic cannot be said enough.
I spoke with MANY wonderful visitors this weekend at our open studios and for almost every person I asked them : are you an artist? A creative? And they would hesitate and often say something like, ‘not really’, or, ‘I dabble but…no‘ , in French or English alike.
I know creative energy when I see it. I watched people-women especially-touch my textile works and I could sense their curiosity and see a kind of leaning towards it, into it. I felt a kind of a longing from some of them, something discrete but present that they tried to keep tamped down. And it felt familiar.
It is a great tragedy of human existence that we have allowed ourselves to be robbed of our creative expression by believing in competition, scarcity, the judgements of critics and negative destructive actions of some ‘authority’ at the top of an entirely self constructed imaginary hierarchy.
We should all stop believing this nonsense and follow our joy and indulge our basic human nature. We were all born creatives with the capacity to express ourselves in many ways.
For many thousands of years we evolved, dancing, singing and making art without thinking about it's potential price tag.
Creativity, art, expression were part of our evolution, survival, celebration and our way of learning how to LIVE and get through life.
We can feel joy at others expression and encourage them to ‘sing their song’ and be themselves without having to assign a monetary value, or judge the quality of the out put, nor perpetuate the oppressive factory mindset of human productivity.
Rebel and find your freedom and as you the applaud the freedom of expression of others, and know that by doing so you are also rebelling against the oppression of creativity that shackles the whole world.
Our creative expression is crucial to how we can reclaim our ability to imagine a new world together.
Whether you make the most beautiful desserts, dance down the street, write poetry that you whisper into the wind, or make a wonderful garden sanctuary, do not let anyone or anything stop you from enjoying your birthright, the creative spark within you.