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Vulnerability....Works in Progress

For the first time, I decided to put some work out for open studios weekend that wasn't finished. It was a leap forward in allowing myself to be vulnerable. Here is some of what I learned:

  • People generally LOVE to look at your workspace, and get a peek into how things are made

  • Having unfinished work around made people feel more comfortable asking questions or somehow made me more approachable.

  • Even if you feel vulnerable because the work is not finished, IF it's already obvious the direction it's going, put it out there for viewing. People will understand the direction it's going, if it's already clear. If it's not clear, don't put it out yet. Luckily I intuitively knew this, but only realized it consciously after some good comments. Shorthand: use your intuition to determine if a piece is clear enough, and ready to be viewed unfinished, don't listen as much to your fear.

  • Have fun, let go. Once you are ready to open the studio door, let go of all expectations. Let the universe surprise you with who it brings to your door.

  • Decide that all you need for the day to be successful is to make one good connection. One good conversation. Don't judge who that should be, just be open to who wants to strike up a conversation and let it go where it's meant to go. These conversations are gold. And sometimes a connection leads to something else you would never have expected or foreseen. Loosen up. I was very lucky this weekend to have several good conversations, but at other events, I've had few, but the ones that happened, because I was open, led to something beautiful and unexpected.

  • Some people need time to decide to trust you the artist and the value you are representing. They want to make an investment in you, but you have to hold up your end and continue to value YOURSELF and show up for and to your work. Show up for yourself, consistently, and they will decide to trust you are worthy of their investment of interest, curiosity and maybe even purchase.

  • Below are some unfinished works on show this weekend. Eeeek! It's still a little bit difficult to put them online especially as a few of them have changed because I got right back to work on Monday.

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